Fresh Mulch: Can you say curb appeal?
A final product that looks this good comes from our attention to detail through every step of the project. Mulch is the most common material we deliver and install in our customers’ landscape beds, but decorative stone, sands, and gravel are also options as mulch alternatives. View material types.
Mulching – The key to a great looking landscape!
Service includes mulching of all landscape beds and providing a fresh 2” layer of premium colored mulch. Additional coverage will be subject to a small charge to cover the cost of the mulch.
Also, like any quality landscaping company, we offer to cut in sharp edges to the mulch beds and putting down weed barriers to ensure the look lasts for months after we finish your project.
Click here to see more photos of our mulch projects,.
Call 330-539-2405
Mulch & Rock Pricing
Competitive prices, call us for your personalized quote based on your landscape’s needs.
How Often Should You Mulch?
Once per year is plenty for most landscapes!
Installation Timing
Most people prefer to have mulch installed in the Spring, but before the holidays is a great time for a topdressing refresh.
About Our Mulch & Rock Services
This service is usually performed at the beginning of Spring and our schedule fills up fast so call early to ensure we can get you scheduled. We take extra care to ensure the job is done quickly, but with quality workmanship.
Remember, a nice mulch job is just one aspect of a complete landscape maintenance program. Check out our other services here!!
We take pride in leaving the job site clean and your landscape looking the best it ever has!
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Mulching Services
Our attention to detail starts from the time we deliver mulch to your job site. To begin our mulch installation, we lay the mulch on tarps to ensure the area can be cleaned completely when we are finished.
You will never even know we were there, except for the beautifully mulched beds surrounding your house.
If you’d prefer to have decorative rock be installed instead of traditional hardwood mulch, we have several types of stone for you to choose from.
Request Mulch Quote
Edging The Beds
To improve the look of new or existing mulch beds, we offer cutting in clean new edges to set off your mulch bed from the lawn.
This is offered at a small upcharge, but dramatically improves the presentation of your mulched areas.
We also recommend to have us prune your shrubs before installing new mulch to keep your mulch looking fresher longer.

Thick Mulch With Weed Barrier Fabric
Our standard service applies mulch to 2″ thickness, which we find to be very effective. Of course, if you want it thicker, we are happy to help (for an additional charge to cover the cost of the mulch).
We also offer decorative stones, gravel, and sand installation as a mulch alternative.
As any professional landscaper would, we offer to install weed barrier fabric in your flower beds to make your gardening easier throughout the growing season. The weed barrier fabric is installed first, below the mulch, and impedes weeds ability to invade your flower beds!
There is an additional cost if you’d like weed barrier fabric installed to account for the cost of the material and the additional labor needed to install it.
Mulch and Rock Material Options
Don’t limit yourself! You have plenty of options to make your landscape unique!
Mulch Options

Extra Dark Double Shredded Mulch (left)
Single Shredded Mulch (right)

Dyed Premium Black Mulch (left)
Economy Double Mulch (right)

Double Shredded (left)
Forest Brown Dyed Mulch (right)

Wood Fiber (left)
Chipped Mulch (right)

Brick Red Dyed Mulch (left)
Extra Dark Chocolate Dyed Mulch (right)

Premium Single Ground Bark Mulch
Stone/Rock Options

Canadian Blue Stone (left)
#3 Washstone (right)

#57 Washstone (left)
#57 Mohave (right)

Black Gold Stone (left)
Black Platinum Stone (right)

#57 White Limestone Stone (left)
#2 Blue Grey Washstone (right)

Caramel Canyon Stone (left)
Premium 3 Washstone (right)
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